It is said that champions are those who develop consistency, those who manage to create “habits of excellence” in all areas of their lives. And this is what Sportlinx360 does, having developed a network of services that are always constant and of quality, it has proved to be an undisputed champion in this sector. In my almost 6 years in the United States I have never felt alone, and even a complex process such as moving from one university to another has turned out to be an exciting journey, an excellent team effort. Because that’s what a women-founded agency does, a place that pushes you to do your best, a place where I’ve seen their eyes smile for every success I make, for every one I leave, for every one I come back.

Is becoming a student-athlete in U.S. Colleges right for me?

College Volleyball
The American college sports system .
Colleges USA
A constantly expanding network.
In over 15 years of operation, we have created strong links with numerous universities, staff and coaches in all leagues.

Why US Volley?
Because WE are Volleyball: two volleyball players who have made high-level sports and academic courses, both in Italy and in the USA, who have understood the importance of the balance between sport and study.
Many volleyball players, after graduating from high school, find themselves at a crossroads: on the one hand the university career and on the other the high-level competitive sport. WE are here to maintain the balance between the two paths.
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Read testimonials from students and parents who have embarked on a journey with Sportlinx360