First of all, introduce yourself to our readers by telling us about your experience so far! “I started this experience in August 2017, at Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, where I stayed for a year. In the summer of 2018, I decided to take another path and continue at George Mason University, located in Fairfax, Virginia, very close to Washington DC. In both places I learned a lot of new things, both on and off the court. Last season was exciting for the team, we finished fourth in the A10 championship, and we had a lot of satisfaction. In terms of school experiences, I started at Georgia Tech with Biology as my faculty, and then changed to Sport Management when I arrived at Mason.”
A very delicate aspect is always the arrival: a new nation, a completely different experience from the Italian one. What was your first impact? “When I first arrived, it was an overwhelming wave – it’s amazing how everything is so different. At the volleyball level, the game is much faster than in Italy, the pace is higher; At the beginning I was a bit out of breath at the end of the set (laughs) but I adapted easily. The speed is incredible, the calls are different, and I really like playing at this level, the adrenaline is always great. As far as schools are concerned, universities are very different from those in Italy. The facilities have many dormitories and the organization of the curriculum is also different. I really like the American method, where there are classes at a certain time of the day, and the rest of the time you use it to study, go to training, or whatever; Much better than having classes for 5 hours straight! I like to have a break between one activity and another, the day takes a good rhythm, and has the right balance. The lifestyle is a bit different, yes, the food can’t even be compared, but I have to say that if you go to the right places, you can always find something tasty and healthy. The culture is different in itself, you know, and since I’ve been here, my mind is more open in general, to understand different things in all aspects of life, and I adapt very easily.”
A life path that changes you as a person! “This path is changing me a lot, and based on my perception, but also that of my family, for the better. When I get home you can see it, it all seems like it has never changed! It’s as if I’m the only one who changes, in the way I see or interpret certain things. Especially, I learn to enjoy every single moment I spend when I get home, but also when I’m in America, to the best of my ability. You start thinking about the future at this point and anything is possible. You learn what are the most important values, true friendships, and who supports you in every circumstance. I’ve learned to seize the moment and be more present.”
You came to the U.S. with College Life and then had the support of Sportlinx360. So we want to know what and how it helped you? “Jesica has been there since the beginning, and for me she has been one of the main figures, she has helped me a lot to make good choices for my future. It’s amazing that she also dated George Mason, I’m so proud of my choices and I always keep my head up thinking about Jesica and how much I’ve learned from her.”
In terms of your studies, what path did you take and what would you like to do when you grow up? What is your dream in terms of work and what are your ambitions in volleyball? “The faculty I have chosen is Sport Management, or Sports Business. I would love to work in rehabilitation centers and work with professional athletes trying to recover from major injuries, both physically and mentally. I would like to take a Master’s degree in Sports Psychology, and I am currently studying courses on the subject. On a volleyball level, I still have to decide, but for now I’m enjoying the experience here!”
To conclude, is it an experience that you would recommend to other guys? “I would absolutely recommend it, it’s an incredible life-changing experience: one thing I always say is, if you can leave now, do it. Because you never know if it’s going to happen again! It’s worth it all the way, because you learn real life lessons, and they are memories that stay in your heart, always.”